Considering adoption as a birth parent or an adoptive family?

  • Get informed from trusted sources
  • Give yourself choices
  • Go with your gut

Get Informed

There are many trusted resources available to both adoptive families and birth parents. Searching the internet, visiting clinics and Pregnancy Resource Centers, making phone calls and inquiries through websites and personal references to name a few.
When gathering your information, take note of how you felt when the person you were communicating with gave you information.

  • Did you get the feeling that they really cared about you and your needs?
  • Does the information they provided you seem to be similar to other information you gathered? Why or Why not?
  • Did you feel the information seemed complete?
  • Did they offer to provide you with further information?
  • Were you given the option to speak with another adoption specialist or counselor?
  • Was their company information provided to you in writing?
  • Are they in good standing with their state licensing?

It is always good to get several options and opinions when making a major decision and deciding what is best for your child and how you will grow your family.  Important decisions require information and the time to process the information. This decision will affect your life greatly and hopefully for the better.

While the decision to place your baby may cause you sadness and grief, it can likely be the best and most healthy decision for you and your baby. Making a good decision about an unplanned pregnancy and with whom to help you with an adoption plan can either leave you moving forward in a good place or possibly with regret, unhappiness and with no one to help you after your adoption placement. The same can be true for adoptive parents. Working with a trusted and reputable adoption professional can make your adoption journey a great experience and work for the best interest of your child.

Give Yourself Choices

After talking to several adoption professionals and gathering information you will then be able give yourself the time and opportunity to make the choice that is right for you.  Each person is very different and will have different needs, just as each situation will be very different.  You will have many choices to make and these should be choices that you make.

Once you make the decision and find the adoption professional that is right for you.  You can begin looking for adoptive families.  You will have many choices of adoptive families of all types.  Do not settle on your decision.  If you choose Act of Love Adoptions, we are committed to helping you find the right family and will provide a counselor to help meet your adoption needs.  Our warm and caring staff will provide you with one-on-one attention and services.

Go With Your Gut

Always remember that your gut will help lead you in the direction that is right for you.  Stick with your feelings and listen to yourself.  Don’t second guess your decision and move forward with confidence.


Act of Love is Ready to Help You!

Birth Parents Call:  800-835-6360 or Text 801-450-0094

Adoptive Families Call:  888-767-7740

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