unnamed[1]One thing that worries many women who are considering adoption is whether or not they’ll have time to change their minds about adoption. In short, yes, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to change your mind. In fact, you aren’t legally allowed to make the final decision until after the baby has been born. Most states have a window that provides birth mothers with that very option- the option to keep their child. Spending time with a counselor and processing this decision before involving an adoptive family is an important first step.

The Decision is Yours All The Way

This leads back to the main principle of adoption as a whole: as a birth parent, you have full rights over your child. Once you’ve actually signed the relinquishment forms that make the process “official”, then the answer becomes a little less clear. Each state has different laws that govern the amount of time, if any to change your mind after signing relinquishment documents. It is important to understand the laws governing your adoption, as you are making your adoption plan.

The Fact That You’ve Considered This Question Proves That You’re a Loving Mother
The very fact that you’re even asking this question proves that you are a mother who loves her child. So even if you do end up deciding to place your child with an adoptive family, you can sleep soundly at night knowing that they’re in good hands. Always remember that if it doesn’t “feel right”, that you can always choose adoption later on in your child’s life.

Act of Love Adoptions Can Help With Finding Your Answers

Even after the adoption happens, the relationship you develop with the adoptive family can allow for so many amazing things. You may choose regular visits and lots of interaction after your child has been placed. Talk with your counselor and the family you chose about your wishes for contact during and after the adoption.

To speak to Dee about an open adoption plan, contact Act of Love Adoptions at adopt@aactofloveadoptions.com . Act of Love offers a 24 hour/7days a week hot-line where you can speak with adoption professionals regarding an open adoption and other choices in your adoption planning. Call 1-800-835-6360 to speak with an adoption professional or text to 801-450-0094.  Find the adoption agency that listens to your wishes in adoption planning and offers you the support you need.

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